Robbinsdale Area Schools

Routine Vision Screening: 7th Grade

Routine Vision Screening: 7th Grade

Routine vision screening for all 7th grade students will occur on the morning of Wednesday, February 19th. This will occur during the school day as part of routine screening for their age and grade per MDH guidelines. Please notify the school nurse if you would like your student to opt out of screening.

Early identification and treatment can prevent or alleviate many of the problems that result from impaired vision. If your student normally wears glasses, please make sure they have them at school each day. 

We no longer do hearing screening as part of the mass screening day; however, if you have concerns about your child’s hearing, please notify the school nurse in order to screen them individually. 

The school nurse will be in contact if your student’s screening indicates referral to an eye doctor.

We are also hosting a Health FAIR presented by nursing students that will be open to all of our students.

Health FAIR Topics will include material on:

  • Vaping/Substance Abuse

  • Mental Health

  • Infection Control 

We are excited for this opportunity for our students. Please reach out to the school nurse for any questions or concerns via e-mail at or by phone #763-971-4509.