Robbinsdale Area Schools

SHIP Grant Outdoor Learning Space

SHIP Grant Outdoor Learning Space


This fall, each Robbinsdale Middle School was granted $2000 as part of a Hennepin County SHIP grant to help promote student well-being. SEA@FAIR decided to use our portion of the grant money to work with all of the 6th grade students at FAIR (FAIR & SEA@FAIR students) on planning and creating an outdoor learning space on the FAIR Crystal campus. 


This spring, students have been introduced to the project, along with criteria and constraints, and have begun brainstorming ideas for this outdoor learning space within their Learning Extensions class. CCX Media visited our 6th grade Learning Extension classes and was able to see our students’ engaged in the design process for this project. The footage will air on their television station this spring. Soon, students will begin working in small groups to develop potential plans for this project. These plans would include materials, budget, plan diagram with measurements, timeline, and action steps. Small groups will present their plans to their Learning Extension class. Each class will then discuss the presented plans and work as a team to refine and submit one plan. The four plans would get necessary approvals before the end of the school year. Then, early in the fall, students and staff at FAIR Crystal will vote on the plans and begin work developing the chosen project plan. Students, staff, and volunteers will participate in the installation of this outdoor learning space.